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About the Chaplaincy

Your place to relax...

Welcome to Turnbull Hall

Turnbull Hall is the Catholic Chaplaincy here at the University of Glasgow and a parish of the Archdiocese of Glasgow. We hope you find a second home here during your time at University. Please browse our website to find out what is going on here at our Chaplaincy centre, and more importantly, please pop in and pay us a visit! At Turnbull we have a number of facilities including a cafe, study room, common room, computer room and a chapel where Mass is celebrated each day. There are also a number of groups associated with Turnbull which you can get involved in, you will find their details on this website. Our doors are always open and we are here to give you all the help and support you need, so please do come and pay us a visit.

What's GUCA?

The 'Glasgow University Catholic Society' was originally founded in 1925, having a residence in 53 Southpark Avenue until the 1950s, when it acquired two larger houses, 13 and 15 Southpark Terrace and built a chapel in the grounds. After having various chaplains and structures, the Catholic Student Body here at the University was re-structured in 2015 and became known as the Glasgow University Catholic Association (GUCA).


GUCA is responsible for the social life and formation of Catholic students on campus. By organising events, talks, retreats and dinners, the Association seeks to foster a community life for all Catholics on campus - so that we  may grow in love of Jesus Christ as one body. 

Turnbull Hall Parish

Turnbull Hall is also a parish of the Archdiocese of Glasgow, named after Bishop Turnbull, who founded Glasgow University in 1451. The Chapel is dedicated to St. Kentigern (also known as Mungo), who is the patron saint of Glasgow.


Turnbull Hall Parish is not just for students. People of all ages and backgrounds attend Mass and receive the sacraments here at Turnbull - and particularly young families who were once GUCA members. We run parish events and foster a close community spirit here at Turnbull, so please contact us if you wish to register as a parishioner.

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